Partner API v2 for interaction with Serverspace services.
This version (v2) of the API documentation is up to date and is required to be used. The previous version of API v1 is available at the link, this version will soon be deprecated.
To access Partner API, use partner API keys generated by the vendor team
Partner is provided with two keys with different roles:
Authentication into the system is provided by a token defined in the Authorization
request title with value Bearer <token>
. For example:
-H "Authorization: Bearer 3CC4476F-D690-1456-BF13-7514981B121F"
Returns a list of all accounts
Available for the User role
string Substring to find an account by email | |
withAnInternalRole | boolean Substring to find an account with internal role |
{- "Result": {
- "Accounts": [
- {
- "Id": "002e34f2-59d5-4d4b-83d7-02fb4e779799",
- "ParentAccountId": "96009C5A-BE7C-41E2-8827-70438382E8A8",
- "Email": "",
- "RegistrationTag": "Panel",
- "State": "NotActivated",
- "Projects": [
- {
- "Id": 1205,
- "ProjectState": "NotActivated",
- "AccountRole": "Owner",
- "AccountStateInProject": "WaitingApprove",
- "IsPaid": false
], - "InternalRoles": [ ],
- "Ip": "",
- "UserId": "2e3972f2-bbdd-4439-b3d5-7eb28ba672e9",
- "DateCreate": "2021-02-03T08:35:36.2221106"
}, - {
- "Id": "00312207-5ad8-4654-9bfa-4003fe39597c",
- "ParentAccountId": null,
- "Email": "",
- "RegistrationTag": "Panel",
- "State": "Active",
- "Projects": [
- {
- "Id": 657,
- "ProjectState": "Active",
- "AccountRole": "Owner",
- "AccountStateInProject": "Active",
- "IsPaid": true
], - "InternalRoles": [
- "Admin",
- "Platform"
], - "Ip": null,
- "UserId": "a8737869-6b75-4ccd-8cc3-97bdba2c3684",
- "DateCreate": "2020-05-06T12:46:03.3009982"
Create a new account
Available for the User role
Email required | string Account email |
State required | string Enum: "NotActivated" "Active" New account state: |
object |
{- "Email": "",
- "State": "NotActivated",
- "AdditionalData": {
- "RegistrationTag": "Partner API",
- "Fingerprint": "20340a53d930b574480e43c4bc546297",
- "RefferalId": "2",
- "UserId": "80428b93-c420-4234-bb08-104b7617675a",
- "DefaultRedirectFeatureId": "Vstack",
- "Ip": ""
{- "Result": {
- "Account": {
- "Id": "de477d9c-ad58-47af-bfc3-732e6e357a7b",
- "ParentAccountId": "58EBBAE2-DE45-4338-AB41-04DCD93D6BA4",
- "Email": "",
- "RegistrationTag": "Partner API",
- "State": "NotActivated",
- "Projects": [
- {
- "Id": 1424,
- "ProjectState": "NotActivated",
- "AccountRole": "Owner",
- "AccountStateInProject": "WaitingApprove",
- "IsPaid": false
], - "Ip": "",
- "UserId": "80428b93-c420-4234-bb08-104b7617675a",
- "DateCreate": "2021-08-23T16:44:18.0527035"
Create a new account with SimpleOne project
Available for the User role
This method is out of date. Current methods for interacting with SimpleOne accounts can be found in the SimpleOne Users section
CompanyId required | integer <int32> SimpleOne company ID for which a new account is to be create |
UserId required | integer <int32> SimpleOne user ID for which a new account is to be created |
Email required | string Account email |
{- "CompanyId": 16666162963,
- "UserId": 16666875367,
- "Email": ""
{- "Result": {
- "Account": {
- "Id": "cf84a212-7ce4-4fed-9445-97214e04b2be",
- "ParentAccountId": null,
- "Email": "",
- "RegistrationTag": null,
- "State": "Active",
- "Projects": [
- {
- "Id": 3420,
- "ProjectState": "Active",
- "AccountRole": "Owner",
- "AccountStateInProject": "Active",
- "IsPaid": false
], - "InternalRoles": [ ],
- "Ip": null,
- "UserId": null,
- "DateCreate": "2023-04-04T16:32:33.3407815"
Returns one account by its ID
Available for the User role
id required | string Account ID for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Account": {
- "Id": "9d92caee-ba8d-44e2-a2da-4ddc44d834d4",
- "ParentAccountId": "58ebbae2-de45-4338-ab41-04dcd93d6ba4",
- "Email": "",
- "RegistrationTag": "Panel",
- "State": "Active",
- "Projects": [
- {
- "Id": 1398,
- "ProjectState": "Active",
- "AccountRole": "Owner",
- "AccountStateInProject": "Active",
- "IsPaid": true
}, - {
- "Id": 1425,
- "ProjectState": 1425,
- "AccountRole": "Owner",
- "AccountStateInProject": "Active",
- "IsPaid": false
], - "InternalRoles": [
- "Finance"
], - "Ip": "",
- "UserId": "4308a03b-106a-4285-924c-3f8e5e8af7fb",
- "DateCreate": "2021-08-05T16:22:26.9388891"
Deletes an account by its ID
You can delete an account meeting the following conditions:
id required | string Account ID to be deleted |
{- "Result": {
- "Error": [
- {
- "Code": -16002,
- "Message": "Undeleted servers found"
User's project contains all information about the balance and ordered services: active, blocked servers, and servers awaiting payment, networks, SSL certificates, DNS, etc.
{- "Result": {
- "Projects": [
- {
- "Id": 1311,
- "State": "Active",
- "Balance": 1098.3118356089,
- "IsPaid": true,
- "IsPostPaid": false,
- "MaxDebt": 0,
- "EndingBalanceDateUtc": "2021-09-29T15:03:17.389942Z",
- "FirstPaymentDateUtc": "2019-08-08T09:03:16.0944017Z"
}, - {
- "Id": 761,
- "State": "Blocked",
- "Balance": -0.1543051555,
- "IsPaid": true,
- "IsPostPaid": false,
- "MaxDebt": 0,
- "EndingBalanceDateUtc": "2021-08-24T09:19:04.5801571Z",
- "FirstPaymentDateUtc": "2019-09-16T12:27:25.181551Z"
Returns project details by the project ID
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Project": {
- "Id": 1311,
- "State": "Active",
- "Balance": 1098.3118356089,
- "IsPaid": true,
- "IsPostPaid": false,
- "MaxDebt": 0,
- "EndingBalanceDateUtc": "2021-09-29T15:03:17.389942Z",
- "FirstPaymentDateUtc": "202-02-18T12:53:59.0267523Z"
Changes a project by its ID
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID to be edited |
IsPostPaid | boolean Marks if the postpayment is enabled or not |
MaxDebt | number <double> The maximum negative balance allowed before blocking project if the postpayment is enabled |
{- "IsPostPaid": true,
- "MaxDebt": 12.34
{- "Result": {
- "Project": {
- "Id": 1311,
- "State": "Active",
- "Balance": 1098.3118356089,
- "IsPaid": true,
- "IsPostPaid": true,
- "MaxDebt": 12.34,
- "EndingBalanceDateUtc": "2021-10-29T15:03:17.389942Z",
- "FirstPaymentDateUtc": "2021-08-02T14:59:14.8080579Z"
Returns a list of all project companies. Only one company can be active
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID that can be used to retrieve a list of companies |
{- "Result": {
- "Companies": [
- {
- "Id": 520,
- "CountryTwoLetterCode": "RU",
- "INN": "1234567890",
- "UNP": null,
- "BIN": "BIN",
- "CompanyName": "ООО \"My Company Stage\"",
- "Kbe": "AR2CR55IDPJY",
- "LegalAddress": "Saint Petersburg",
- "ActualAddress": "Saint Petersburg",
- "KPP": "123456789",
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 1000,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7",
- "Ogrn": null,
- "Okpo": "1234567890",
- "CheckingAccount": "1234567890",
- "CorrespondentAccount": "1234567890",
- "Bank": "Deutsche Bank",
- "Bik": "1234567890",
- "SignatoryName": "1234567890",
- "SignatoryJob": "1234567890",
- "AgreementNumber": "1311/520",
- "AgreementDate": "2021-07-08T13:04:48.9714244Z",
- "State": "InActive",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": false,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "Monthly",
- "PartnerCompanyId": 1
}, - {
- "Id": 526,
- "CountryTwoLetterCode": "KZ",
- "INN": null,
- "UNP": null,
- "BIN": "123456789012",
- "CompanyName": "Каспий",
- "Kbe": "AR2CR55IDPJY",
- "LegalAddress": "Санкт-Петербург",
- "ActualAddress": "Санкт-Петербург",
- "KPP": null,
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 569,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "StartOfMonth",
- "Ogrn": null,
- "Okpo": null,
- "CheckingAccount": "VRPXO366Z65N",
- "CorrespondentAccount": null,
- "Bank": "18YIH3ZWHDM4",
- "Bik": "RT5LF43LZSIN",
- "SignatoryName": "Иванов Петр Денисович",
- "SignatoryJob": "Директор",
- "AgreementNumber": "1311/526",
- "AgreementDate": "2021-07-22T13:53:52.3405974Z",
- "State": "InActive",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": false,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "null",
- "PartnerCompanyId": 1
}, - {
- "Id": 544,
- "CountryTwoLetterCode": "RU",
- "INN": "7704340310",
- "UNP": null,
- "BIN": "123456789012",
- "Kbe": null,
- "LegalAddress": "123112, ГОРОД МОСКВА, ПР-Д 1-Й КРАСНОГВАРДЕЙСКИЙ, Д. 21, СТР. 1, ПОМЕЩ. 36.9 ЭТАЖ 36",
- "ActualAddress": "123112, ГОРОД МОСКВА, ПР-Д 1-Й КРАСНОГВАРДЕЙСКИЙ, Д. 21, СТР. 1, ПОМЕЩ. 36.9 ЭТАЖ 36",
- "KPP": "770301001",
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 444,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7",
- "Ogrn": "5157746192731",
- "Okpo": "52676221",
- "CheckingAccount": null,
- "CorrespondentAccount": null,
- "Bank": null,
- "Bik": null,
- "SignatoryName": "Дергачев Григорий Валериевич",
- "AgreementNumber": "1311/544",
- "AgreementDate": "2021-08-12T15:19:27.1211245Z",
- "State": "Active",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": false,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "null",
- "PartnerCompanyId": 1
Create a new company. If a project has an active company, it will be deactivated / switched to InActive
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> ID of the project for which a new company is to be created |
CountryTwoLetterCode required | string Enum: "RU" "KZ" "BY" Two-letter country ID where the company is registered |
INN | string Taxpayer ID (ИНН). Mandatory for RU companies |
UNP | string Taxpayer ID (УНП). Mandatory for BY companies |
BIN | string Taxpayer ID (БИН). Mandatory for KZ companies |
CompanyName | string Company name |
Kbe | string Benificiar Code. For KZ companies |
LegalAddress required | string Legal address |
ActualAddress required | string Actual address |
KPP | string Tax registration reason code (КПП). For RU companies |
AutoInvoiceAmount required | number <double> Sum of automatically generated invoices |
TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration required | string Enum: "NotGenerate" "StartOfMonth" "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7" "DaysBeforeZeroBalance14" Intervals of automatic invoices generation |
Ogrn | string Primary State Registration Number (ОГРН), only for RU companies |
Okpo | string Russian National Nomenclature of Business and Organization (ОКПО), only for RU companies |
CheckingAccount | string Current invoice number |
CorrespondentAccount | string Correspondent account |
Bank | string Bank |
Bik | string Bank identification code |
SignatoryName | string Name of the signatory |
SignatoryJob | string Job title of the signatory |
AgreementNumber required | string Agreement number |
AgreementDate required | string <date-time> Agreement date |
CanUserEditCompanyData required | boolean If the user can edit the data |
FinanceEmail required | string Email for receiving invoices and acts |
DocDeliveryPeriod | string Enum: "null" "Monthly" "Quarterly" "Semiannually" "Annually" Reporting period |
PartnerCompanyId required | integer <int32> Partner's company ID |
{- "CountryTwoLetterCode": "RU",
- "INN": "7838413489",
- "LegalAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "ActualAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "KPP": "784101001",
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 444,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7",
- "Ogrn": "1089847323180",
- "Okpo": "87350562",
- "Bik": 44030790,
- "SignatoryName": "Иванов Иван Иванович",
- "AgreementNumber": "1311/544",
- "AgreementDate": "2021-08-12T15:19:27.1211245Z",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": true,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "Monthly",
- "PartnerCompanyId": 1
{- "Result": {
- "Company": {
- "Id": 549,
- "CountryTwoLetterCode": "RU",
- "INN": "7838413489",
- "UNP": null,
- "BIN": null,
- "Kbe": null,
- "LegalAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "ActualAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "KPP": "784101001",
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 444,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7",
- "Ogrn": "1089847323180",
- "Okpo": "87350562",
- "CheckingAccount": null,
- "CorrespondentAccount": null,
- "Bik": 44030790,
- "SignatoryName": "Иванов Иван Иванович",
- "AgreementNumber": "1311/544",
- "AgreementDate": "2021-08-12T15:19:27.1211245Z",
- "State": "Active",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": false,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "Monthly",
- "PartnerCompanyId": 1
Returns specification of one project company
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which a company details are needed |
company_id required | integer <int32> Company ID for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Company": {
- "Id": 544,
- "CountryTwoLetterCode": "RU",
- "INN": "7704340310",
- "UNP": null,
- "BIN": "123456789012",
- "Kbe": null,
- "LegalAddress": "123112, ГОРОД МОСКВА, ПР-Д 1-Й КРАСНОГВАРДЕЙСКИЙ, Д. 21, СТР. 1, ПОМЕЩ. 36.9 ЭТАЖ 36",
- "ActualAddress": "123112, ГОРОД МОСКВА, ПР-Д 1-Й КРАСНОГВАРДЕЙСКИЙ, Д. 21, СТР. 1, ПОМЕЩ. 36.9 ЭТАЖ 36",
- "KPP": "770301001",
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 444,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7",
- "Ogrn": "5157746192731",
- "Okpo": "52676221",
- "CheckingAccount": null,
- "CorrespondentAccount": null,
- "Bank": null,
- "Bik": null,
- "SignatoryName": "Дергачев Григорий Валериевич",
- "AgreementNumber": "1311/544",
- "AgreementDate": "2021-08-12T15:19:27.1211245Z",
- "State": "Active",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": false,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "Monthly",
- "PartnerCompanyId": 1
Changes an existing active company without deactivating it
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID which company details are to be changed |
company_id required | integer <int32> Company ID which details are to be changed |
CompanyName | string Company name |
Kbe | string Benificiar Code. For KZ companies |
LegalAddress required | string Legal address |
ActualAddress required | string Actual address |
KPP | string Tax registration reason code (КПП). For RU companies |
AutoInvoiceAmount required | number <double> Sum of automatically generated invoices |
TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration required | string Enum: "NotGenerate" "StartOfMonth" "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7" "DaysBeforeZeroBalance14" Intervals of automatic invoices generation |
Ogrn | string Primary State Registration Number (ОГРН), only for RU companies |
Okpo | string Russian National Nomenclature of Business and Organization (ОКПО), only for RU companies |
CheckingAccount | string Current invoice number |
CorrespondentAccount | string Correspondent account |
Bank | string Bank |
Bik | string Bank identification code |
SignatoryName | string Name of the signatory |
SignatoryJob | string Job title of the signatory |
CanUserEditCompanyData required | boolean If the user can edit the data |
FinanceEmail required | string Email for receiving invoices and acts |
DocDeliveryPeriod | string Enum: "null" "Monthly" "Quarterly" "Semiannually" "Annually" Reporting period |
- "LegalAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "ActualAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "KPP": "784101001",
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 444,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7",
- "Ogrn": "1089847323180",
- "Okpo": "87350562",
- "CheckingAccount": "3219",
- "CorrespondentAccount": "301018",
- "Bik": 44030790,
- "SignatoryName": "Иванов Иван Иванович",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": true,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "Monthly"
{- "Result": {
- "Company": {
- "Id": 549,
- "CountryTwoLetterCode": "RU",
- "INN": "7838413489",
- "UNP": null,
- "BIN": null,
- "Kbe": null,
- "LegalAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "ActualAddress": "191028, ГОРОД САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, ПР-КТ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ, Д. 26, ЛИТ. А, ОФИС 5-23",
- "KPP": "784101001",
- "AutoInvoiceAmount": 444,
- "TypeAutoInvoiceGeneration": "DaysBeforeZeroBalance7",
- "Ogrn": "1089847323180",
- "Okpo": "87350562",
- "CheckingAccount": "3219",
- "CorrespondentAccount": "301018",
- "Bik": 44030790,
- "SignatoryName": "Иванов Иван Иванович",
- "AgreementNumber": "1311/544",
- "AgreementDate": "2021-08-12T15:19:27.1211245Z",
- "State": "Active",
- "CanUserEditCompanyData": false,
- "FinanceEmail": "",
- "DocDeliveryPeriod": "Monthly",
- "PartnerCompanyId": 1
Returns a list of company project invoices
Available for the User and Finance roles
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which a list of invoices is needed |
company_id required | integer <int32> Company ID for which a list of invoices is needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Invoices": [
- {
- "Number": "1470",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "State": "Paid",
- "DateUTC": "2021-07-08T14:10:16.5346035Z",
- "VatAmount": 166.67,
- "VatPercent": 20
}, - {
- "Number": "1484",
- "Amount": 1001,
- "State": "Paid",
- "DateUTC": "2021-07-22T11:17:54.5650884Z",
- "VatAmount": 107.25,
- "VatPercent": 12
}, - {
- "Number": "1486",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "State": "Paid",
- "DateUTC": "2021-07-22T11:20:32.2213399Z",
- "VatAmount": 107.14,
- "VatPercent": 12
Create an invoice in the New state
Available for the User and Finance roles
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which a new invoice is to be created |
company_id required | integer <int32> Company ID for which a new invoice is to be created |
Amount required | number <double> Total sum to be charged (including VAT). VAT rate is defined by the system settings |
{- "Amount": 1234
{- "Result": {
- "Invoice": {
- "Number": "1508",
- "Amount": 1234,
- "State": "New",
- "DateUTC": "2021-08-30T10:03:03.7665184Z",
- "VatAmount": 132.21,
- "VatPercent": 12
Returns one invoice of company project
Available for the User and Finance roles
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which an invoice is needed |
company_id required | integer <int32> Company ID for which an invoice is needed |
invoice_number required | string Invoice number for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Invoice": {
- "Number": "1470",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "State": "Paid",
- "DateUTC": "2021-07-08T14:10:16.5346035Z",
- "VatAmount": 166.67,
- "VatPercent": 20
Returns a list of all SimpleOne accounts
Available for the User role and if the SimpleOneSupport feature is enabled
{- "Result": {
- "Accounts": [
- {
- "Id": "6966feee-0fbd-4f2d-a5e1-f296cc201945",
- "Email": "",
- "ProjectId": 2490,
- "SimpleOneCompanyId": "167552741902312866",
- "SimpleOneUserId": "174832854762842793",
- "DateCreate": "2023-07-19T09:46:07.8482341"
}, - {
- "Id": "c0858c9c-b2a7-4964-abf7-e7562eed0f58",
- "Email": "",
- "ProjectId": 1290,
- "SimpleOneCompanyId": "146421530511201752",
- "SimpleOneUserId": "164302927025467059",
- "DateCreate": "2022-09-07T10:37:36.0706639"
Create a new SimpleOne account
Available for the User role and if the SimpleOneSupport feature is enabled
SimpleOneCompanyId required | string SimpleOne company ID for which a new account is to be create |
SimpleOneUserId required | string SimpleOne user ID for which a new account is to be created |
Email required | string Account email |
{- "SimpleOneCompanyId": "168024140823013231",
- "SimpleOneUserId": "168024140823013481",
- "Email": ""
{- "Result": {
- "Account": {
- "Id": "146e0279-258a-41c8-9b00-025e2d43c8e2",
- "Email": "",
- "ProjectId": 3420,
- "SimpleOneCompanyId": "168024140823013231",
- "SimpleOneUserId": "168024140823013481",
- "DateCreate": "2024-07-09T14:53:52.0246282"
Returns one SimpleOne account by its ID
Available for the User role and if the SimpleOneSupport feature is enabled
accountId required | string SimpleOne account ID for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Account": {
- "Id": "6966feee-0fbd-4f2d-a5e1-f296cc201945",
- "Email": "",
- "ProjectId": 2490,
- "SimpleOneCompanyId": "167552741902312866",
- "SimpleOneUserId": "174832854762842793",
- "DateCreate": "2023-07-19T09:46:07.8482341"
Deletes a SimpleOne account by its ID
You can delete an account meeting the following conditions:
accountId required | string SimpleOne account ID to be deleted |
{- "Result": {
- "Error": [
- {
- "Code": -16002,
- "Message": "Undeleted servers found"
Deletes a SimpleOne account by its SimpleOne user ID
You can delete an account meeting the following conditions:
SimpleOneUserId required | string SimpleOne user ID for which the account is being deleted |
{- "SimpleOneUserId": "1448024140823013481"
{- "Result": {
- "Error": [
- {
- "Code": -16002,
- "Message": "Undeleted servers found"
Changing SimpleOne company ID for the project
Available for the User role and if the SimpleOneSupport feature is enabled
projectId required | string Project ID for which a company change is required |
NewSimpleOneCompanyId required | string New SimpleOne company ID to which you want to change |
{- "NewSimpleOneCompanyId": "1257894528431"
{- "Result": {
- "Error": [
- {
- "Code": -1051,
- "Message": "The SimpeOne company ID is required"
Returns a list of 1C configurations available for ordering
Available for the User role
{- "Result": {
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "Title": "1C: Бухгалтерия предприятия, редакция 3.0",
- "TechTitle": "Accounting",
- "Version": "",
- "PlatformVersion": "8.3",
- "SqlDatabaseSizeInMiB": 1844
}, - {
- "Title": "1С: Зарплата и управление персоналом",
- "TechTitle": "HRM",
- "Version": "",
- "PlatformVersion": "8.3",
- "SqlDatabaseSizeInMiB": 1024
}, - {
- "Title": "1С: Управление нашей фирмой, редакция 1.6",
- "TechTitle": "SmallBusiness",
- "Version": "",
- "PlatformVersion": "8.3",
- "SqlDatabaseSizeInMiB": 1229
}, - {
- "Title": "1С: Управление торговлей, редакция 11",
- "TechTitle": "Trade11",
- "Version": "",
- "PlatformVersion": "8.3",
- "SqlDatabaseSizeInMiB": 2560
}, - {
- "Title": "1С: Комплексная автоматизация 2",
- "TechTitle": "ARAutomation",
- "Version": "",
- "PlatformVersion": "8.3",
- "SqlDatabaseSizeInMiB": 3891
}, - {
- "Title": "1С: Управление производственным предприятием, редакция 1.3",
- "TechTitle": "Enterprise13",
- "Version": "",
- "PlatformVersion": "8.3",
- "SqlDatabaseSizeInMiB": 1229
{- "Result": {
- "Tariff": {
- "WebUser": 950,
- "RdpUser": 1400,
- "TerminalServer": 800,
- "ClientCPUPerCore": 300,
- "ClientRAMPerGiB": 300,
- "ClientDiskPerGiB": 10,
- "AdditionalInfobase": 100,
- "AdditionalInfobaseSizePerGiB": 10,
- "InfobaseBackupPerGiBByRetainDaysMap": {
- "7": 50,
- "14": 100,
- "21": 150,
- "28": 200
}, - "FreeOfChargeInfobaseSizeInGiB": 5
Creating a 1C configuration order
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which a 1C order is to be created |
IsRdpAccess required | boolean If the current RDP configurations have access, or it's available via Web |
required | Array of objects Array of type Configuration1C objects |
required | Array of objects Array of type User1C objects |
{- "IsRdpAccess": false,
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "InfobaseName": "PartnerAPI-1",
- "ConfigurationTechTitle": "SmallBusiness"
}, - {
- "InfobaseName": "PartnerAPI-2",
- "ConfigurationTechTitle": "ARAutomation"
], - "Users": [
- {
- "FullName": "Jessica Reynolds",
- "Email": "",
- "Position": "Chief technology officer"
}, - {
- "FullName": "Maryam Campbell",
- "Email": "",
- "PhoneNumber": "+71112223344",
- "Position": "Chief Accounting Officer"
{- "Result": {
- "Orders": [
- {
- "Id": 884,
- "State": "New"
}, - {
- "Id": 885,
- "State": "New"
Returns details by specific location for creating a VMware server
Available for the User role
location_id required | string Location ID (technical name) for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Id": "MinskBy",
- "ResourcePools": [
- {
- "Performance": "perfhigh",
- "Cpu": {
- "Cores": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 4,
- 6,
- 8,
- 10,
- 12,
- 14,
- 16,
- 18,
- 20,
- 22,
- 24
], - "Tariff": 8.6
}, - "Ram": {
- "Amounts": [
- 512,
- 768,
- 1024,
- 2048,
- 3072,
- 4096,
- 5120,
- 6144,
- 7168,
- 8192,
- 9216,
- 10240,
- 11264,
- 12288,
- 13312,
- 14336,
- 15360,
- 16384,
- 18432,
- 20480,
- 22528,
- 24576,
- 26624,
- 28672,
- 30720,
- 32768,
- 34816,
- 36864,
- 38912,
- 40960,
- 51200,
- 61440,
- 71680,
- 81920,
- 92160,
- 102400,
- 112640,
- 122880,
- 133120
], - "Tariff": 8.6
}, - "Disks": [
- {
- "Type": "SSD",
- "Min": 10,
- "Max": 1000,
- "Step": 10,
- "Tariff": 0.3
], - "HardwareDescirptions": [
- {
- "Title": "Cisco B200-M4 (2.2 GHz)",
- "FromCpu": 1,
- "ToCpu": 24
], - "IsBackupSupported": true,
- "Backup": {
- "Depths": [
- 7,
- 14,
- 21,
- 28
], - "Tariff": 0.09
}, - "Images": [
- {
- "Id": 5,
- "Title": "Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 (Ru)",
- "OperatingSystemType": "Windows",
- "MinCpuCores": 1,
- "MinRamAmount": 1024,
- "MinDiskSize": 40,
- "AvailableSofts": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 38,
- "Title": "Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 (En)",
- "OperatingSystemType": "Windows",
- "MinCpuCores": 1,
- "MinRamAmount": 1024,
- "MinDiskSize": 40,
- "AvailableSofts": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 15,
- "Title": "FreeBSD 11 x64",
- "OperatingSystemType": "Bsd",
- "MinCpuCores": 1,
- "MinRamAmount": 512,
- "MinDiskSiz": 10,
- "AvailableSofts": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 11,
- "Title": "PFSense 2.4",
- "OperatingSystemType": "Router",
- "MinCpuCores": 1,
- "MinRamAmount": 512,
- "MinDiskSize": 10,
- "AvailableSofts": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 14,
- "Title": "CentOS 7 x64",
- "OperatingSystemType": "CentOs",
- "MinCpuCores": 1,
- "MinRamAmount": 512,
- "MinDiskSize": 10,
- "AvailableSofts": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 48,
- "Title": "Oracle Linux 8",
- "OperatingSystemType": "Oracle",
- "MinCpuCores": 1,
- "MinRamAmount": 512,
- "MinDiskSize": 10,
- "AvailableSofts": [
- "ispmanager5lite"
}, - {
- "Id": 36,
- "Title": "Ubuntu 18.04 x64",
- "OperatingSystemType": "Ubuntu",
- "MinCpuCores": 1,
- "MinRamAmount": 512,
- "MinDiskSize": 10
], - "Soft": [
- {
- "Id": "Terminal Service",
- "Tariff": 35
}, - {
- "Id": "OfficeStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL SAL",
- "Tariff": 70
}, - {
- "Id": "Windows",
- "Tariff": 125
}, - {
- "Id": "SQLServerEnterpriseEdition2LicCoreLic",
- "Tariff": 1490
], - "MandatoryLicenses": [
- {
- "OperatingSystemType": "Windows",
- "Cpu": 1,
- "Tariff": 10
}, - {
- "OperatingSystemType": "Windows",
- "Cpu": 2,
- "Tariff": 20
}, - {
- "OperatingSystemType": "Windows",
- "Cpu": 3,
- "Tariff": 30
}, - {
- "OperatingSystemType": "Windows",
- "Cpu": 4,
- "Tariff": 40
Creating a Vmware server for active and inactive user
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which a VMware server is to be created |
location_id required | string Location ID (technical name) where a new VMware server is to be created |
Name required | string Name of the ordered server. Max number of symbols: 50 |
CPU required | integer <int32> Cores number |
RAM required | integer <int32> RAM amount, MB |
HDD required | integer <int32> Volume in GB |
HDDType required | string Enum: "SSD" "SAS" Vloume type |
NetworkId | integer <int32> Public client network ID |
NetworkBandwidth | integer <int32> Public network bandwidth (10 Mbit/s by default) |
ImageID required | integer <int32> Server template ID |
ISPSoftID | integer <int32> ISP software ID |
IsBackupActive required | boolean If the server backup is enabled |
BackupPeriod required | integer <int32> Enum: 7 14 21 28 Depth of backup |
SshKeys | Array of integers <int32> [ items <int32 > ] SSH keys ID. If none is defined, server will use login and password authentication |
IsNeedSysprep | boolean If Sysprep is available |
{- "Name": "Example-Server",
- "CPU": 3,
- "RAM": 1024,
- "HDD": 10,
- "HDDType": "SSD",
- "NetworkBandwidth": 30,
- "ImageID": 48,
- "IsBackupActive": true,
- "BackupPeriod": 7
{- "Result": {
- "Order": {
- "Id": 38915,
- "ServerId": 1900
{- "Result": {
- "Payments": [
- {
- "Number": "1",
- "TIN": null,
- "Amount": 50,
- "InvoiceNumber": "1163",
- "CompanyId": 7,
- "ProjectId": 104,
- "DateUTC": "2019-11-14T13:00:28.2801425Z"
}, - {
- "Number": "2",
- "TIN": null,
- "Amount": 10,
- "InvoiceNumber": "1164",
- "CompanyId": 7,
- "ProjectId": 104,
- "DateUTC": "2019-11-14T14:49:55.4848987Z"
}, - {
- "Number": "16",
- "TIN": null,
- "Amount": 3.2,
- "InvoiceNumber": "1167",
- "CompanyId": 11,
- "ProjectId": 145,
- "DateUTC": "2019-12-11T07:30:12.2645548Z"
Processing a new incoming bank payment
Available for the Finance role
Number required | string Distinct payment number |
TIN required | string Company ID that made a payment. This field contains its INN, BIN, or UNP |
Amount required | number <double> Sum of received payment (including VAT) |
InvoiceNumber required | integer <int32> Number of a generated invoice. Additional identifier of the company which made a payment. If there is no invoice, input null |
CompanyId required | integer <int32> Company ID. Additional identifier of the company which made a payment |
ProjectId required | integer <int32> Project ID. Additional identifier of the project which made a payment |
{- "Number": "678",
- "TIN": "1234567891",
- "Amount": 556,
- "InvoiceNumber": "1517",
- "CompanyId": 522,
- "ProjectId": 1317
{- "Result": {
- "Payment": {
- "Number": "678",
- "TIN": "1234567891",
- "Amount": 556,
- "InvoiceNumber": 1517,
- "CompanyId": 522,
- "ProjectId": 1317,
- "DateUTC": "2021-09-02T16:25:40.3548988Z"
Processing a new incoming online payment
Available for the Finance role
PaymentId required | string Distinct payment number |
Amount required | number <double> Sum of received payment (including VAT) |
ProjectId required | integer <int32> Project ID to which payment is to be made |
{- "PaymentId": "BF1R3",
- "Amount": 20.21,
- "ProjectId": 1427
{- "Result": {
- "Payment": {
- "OperationId": 2589,
- "BalanceBefore": 3795.8875691639,
- "BalanceAfter": 5816.8875691639,
- "DateUTC": "2021-09-02T16:36:14.5953984Z"
Returns balance operations groupped by project and period
Available for the Finance role
dateFromUtc required | string <date-time> Date since which to search operations (including the date). Parameter name is case-sensitive |
dateToUtc required | string <date-time> Date until which to search operations (including the date). Parameter name is case-sensitive |
{- "Result": [
- {
- "ProjectId": 1,
- "InternalProject": false,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-01-07T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-02-08T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
- {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayFreeTonPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-02-01T08:17:54.7336618Z",
- "Amount": 4.5206467313,
- "ExternalId": "de473e9dc1718fc68caa45a367af2558d1154d18dc9ff8335bb7310077135e78"
], - "FeatureOperations": null
}, - {
- "ProjectId": 475,
- "InternalProject": true,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-01-07T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-02-08T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
- {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-01-11T13:25:04.5040602Z",
- "Amount": 2000,
- "ExternalId": ""
], - "FeatureOperations": [
- {
- "Feature": "Vstack",
- "Sum": 15.2569531019,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 1,
- "ResourceType": "nic",
- "Sum": 8.2929401783
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 2892,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.0041295331
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 3576,
- "ResourceType": "Disk",
- "Sum": 0.0043831895
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 199,
- "ResourceType": "License",
- "Sum": 0.0082589617
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 2890,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.7276493954
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 3572,
- "ResourceType": "Disk",
- "Sum": 5.1786240388
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 1,
- "ResourceType": "nic",
- "Sum": 0.0200141108
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 3574,
- "ResourceType": "Disk",
- "Sum": 0.0124935732
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 2894,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.0014307763
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 1,
- "ResourceType": "nic",
- "Sum": 0.007018412
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 96,
- "ResourceType": "Snapshot",
- "Sum": 0.0000109328
}, - {
- "Feature": "ManagedServers",
- "Sum": 745.1612903225,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 13,
- "ResourceType": "VstackServerManagement",
- "Sum": 745.1612903225
}, - {
- "Feature": "IaaS",
- "Sum": 0.2420189164,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 832,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.2420189164
}, - {
- "ProjectId": 755,
- "InternalProject": false,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-01-07T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-02-08T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
- {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-02-04T07:17:19.5250165Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": ""
], - "FeatureOperations": [
- {
- "Feature": "UnocV2",
- "Sum": 1723.7863036234,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 1736,
- "ResourceType": "1cRdpUser",
- "Sum": 9.8324696239
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 755,
- "ResourceType": "1cAdditionalDatabases",
- "Sum": 13.2483312008
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 193,
- "ResourceType": "1cTerminal",
- "Sum": 7.9058089645
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 192,
- "ResourceType": "1cTerminal",
- "Sum": 564.2617251572
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 1728,
- "ResourceType": "1cWebUser",
- "Sum": 423.5258609417
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 1728,
- "ResourceType": "1cRdpUser",
- "Sum": 705.0121077353
}, - {
- "Feature": "IaaS",
- "Sum": 798.9411453316,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 823,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 31.6500409557
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 826,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 2.4862368526
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 829,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.1113652256
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 848,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 7.4255010814
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 858,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 57.7398593134
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 861,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 84.550666946
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 801,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 17.1351250383
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 193,
- "ResourceType": "AdditionalDisk",
- "Sum": 0.2688512797
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 827,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.0620432859
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 830,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 130.7444510252
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 859,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.6096977454
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 865,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 68.5560924065
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 868,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.5415005588
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 199,
- "ResourceType": "AdditionalDisk",
- "Sum": 0.4031290609
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 875,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.3332638059
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 799,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 4.8441716871
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 803,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.3355134741
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 825,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 114.930758648
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 828,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.674676836
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 841,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 15.7904878095
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 844,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 120.3750323964
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 860,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.849933436
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 802,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.5286707204
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 192,
- "ResourceType": "AdditionalDisk",
- "Sum": 0.1343285906
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 805,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.1762109985
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 818,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 15.5713428922
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 824,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.1117207375
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 195,
- "ResourceType": "AdditionalDisk",
- "Sum": 2.5769912906
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 847,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 11.6156919363
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 198,
- "ResourceType": "AdditionalDisk",
- "Sum": 0.067211998
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 866,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 6.8562465606
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 872,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 95.8843307385
Returns balance operations groupped by project and period
Available for the Finance role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which need to get operations |
dateFromUtc required | string <date-time> Date since which to search operations (including the date). Parameter name is case-sensitive |
dateToUtc required | string <date-time> Date until which to search operations (including the date). Parameter name is case-sensitive |
{- "Result": {
- "ProjectId": 1311,
- "InternalProject": false,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-07-31T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-09-01T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
- {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-04T11:27:57.7586361Z",
- "Amount": 7100,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-04T11:28:23.9554867Z",
- "Amount": 100,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-04T11:28:40.850182Z",
- "Amount": 29,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-04T11:31:55.391588Z",
- "Amount": 150,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-05T08:47:15.9099614Z",
- "Amount": 12,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JL2EOLOCIRkWTpz0iAenfCY"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-06T08:47:14.8199887Z",
- "Amount": 12,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JLOhvLOCIRkWTpz0x6D4GHr"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-09T07:34:04.2199984Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-09T16:02:54.4885103Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JMaw6LOCIRkWTpz0zBNFKc4"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-09T16:53:09.147308Z",
- "Amount": 1011,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JMbijLOCIRkWTpz1b2eDyhY"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-09T16:53:09.1629364Z",
- "Amount": 202.2,
- "ExternalId": "2328"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-10T09:53:45.9455118Z",
- "Amount": 29.71,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BankPaymentPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-12T15:08:07.3104983Z",
- "Amount": 5612,
- "ExternalId": "1497"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-12T15:08:07.3104983Z",
- "Amount": 1403,
- "ExternalId": "2359"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T08:32:02.2669855Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JNvlRLOCIRkWTpz08L17ekY"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T08:34:58.7829952Z",
- "Amount": 14,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JNvqYLOCIRkWTpz0lYW12E2"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T12:27:06.8403637Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JNzTVLOCIRkWTpz1WUAywqt"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T14:21:56.6456899Z",
- "Amount": 8953,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T15:25:01.3925991Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": "99136569-7af6314618"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T15:33:31.3270145Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": "99138429-b7c7a2567f"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T15:34:23.1306641Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": "99138628-29e87b5783"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T15:35:08.5213802Z",
- "Amount": 12,
- "ExternalId": "99138787-190bc1b950"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-13T15:36:17.2862177Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": "99139035-47011c1504"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-16T15:47:47.3834765Z",
- "Amount": 170,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-16T16:37:50.3074436Z",
- "Amount": 15.82,
- "ExternalId": "805561995"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PromisedPaymentPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-17T10:06:04.9543092Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": null
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PromisedPaymentMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-19T12:47:08.6726002Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": null
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-19T13:40:48.1641723Z",
- "Amount": 765,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JQBU7LOCIRkWTpz17hI4QSt"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-19T13:40:48.1641723Z",
- "Amount": 153,
- "ExternalId": "2512"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-19T14:52:05.8717896Z",
- "Amount": 100,
- "ExternalId": "809052729"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-19T14:54:45.6339757Z",
- "Amount": 123,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JQCdXLOCIRkWTpz1stGiad0"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-19T14:57:30.6858683Z",
- "Amount": 100,
- "ExternalId": "809058669"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayPayPalPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-08-19T15:06:50.2997699Z",
- "Amount": 67,
- "ExternalId": "8YV047196S2240715"
], - "FeatureOperations": [
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- "ResourceType": "Disk",
- "Sum": 2.544575998
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- "ResourceId": 4828,
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- "Sum": 0.115049442
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- "Sum": 0.5523731709
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- "Sum": 0.3449409536
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- "ResourceId": 4859,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.3815231261
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- "Sum": 0.4235847998
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- "Sum": 0.4232206985
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- "ResourceId": 477,
- "ResourceType": "License",
- "Sum": 0.3521737233
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- "Sum": 0.1077106894
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- "ResourceId": 1,
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- "Sum": 0.007713147
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- "Sum": 0.0048146345
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- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.0012883282
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- "Sum": 0.0063304864
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- "Sum": 0.011396459
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- "ResourceId": 1,
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- "Sum": 0.0549275003
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- "ResourceId": 6730,
- "ResourceType": "Disk",
- "Sum": 0.0342974538
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- "Feature": "UnocV2",
- "Sum": 829.0867670692,
- "BillingOperations": [
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- "ResourceId": 284,
- "ResourceType": "1cTerminal",
- "Sum": 753.64155639
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 1974,
- "ResourceType": "1cWebUser",
- "Sum": 34.2263642263
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 1975,
- "ResourceType": "1cWebUser",
- "Sum": 34.2263642263
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 1993,
- "ResourceType": "1cWebUser",
- "Sum": 6.9924822266
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- "Feature": "Monitoring",
- "Sum": 76.1109672581,
- "BillingOperations": [
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- "ResourceId": 10000152,
- "ResourceType": "Host",
- "Sum": 55.0058231611
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 10000180,
- "ResourceType": "Host",
- "Sum": 10.5527379932
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- "ResourceId": 10000181,
- "ResourceType": "Host",
- "Sum": 10.5524061038
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- "Feature": "Storage",
- "Sum": 0.0000204552,
- "BillingOperations": [
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- "ResourceId": 188,
- "ResourceType": "Storage",
- "Sum": 0.0000204552
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- "Feature": "IaaS",
- "Sum": 76.3908317813,
- "BillingOperations": [
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- "ResourceId": 349,
- "ResourceType": "Network",
- "Sum": 0.1964630565
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 353,
- "ResourceType": "Network",
- "Sum": 1.3136453873
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- "ResourceId": 354,
- "ResourceType": "Network",
- "Sum": 4.3579753919
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- "ResourceId": 90,
- "ResourceType": "Image",
- "Sum": 7.229947881
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- "ResourceId": 1604,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.5875271819
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- "ResourceId": 372,
- "ResourceType": "AdditionalDisk",
- "Sum": 0.5875271819
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- "ResourceId": 1605,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 11.01789647
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- "ResourceId": 373,
- "ResourceType": "AdditionalDisk",
- "Sum": 0.5963820775
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- "ResourceId": 7,
- "ResourceType": "Soft",
- "Sum": 0.2072523532
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- "ResourceId": 1687,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 2.0586201185
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- "ResourceId": 7,
- "ResourceType": "Soft",
- "Sum": 0.0763095777
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- "ResourceId": 1688,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 3.8699855691
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- "Sum": 0.0412068537
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- "Sum": 0.2356448735
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- "Sum": 0.0135741335
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- "Sum": 3
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- "Sum": 0.3661685041
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- "Sum": 0.0568361358
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- "Sum": 7.8284312481
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- "ResourceId": 1862,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.0126188605
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- "ResourceId": 1863,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
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- "ResourceId": 1864,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
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- "ResourceId": 1865,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
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- "ResourceId": 1866,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 0.0419474692
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- "ResourceId": 1867,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
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- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.1020520423
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- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.6117627494
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- "Sum": 0.1181756123
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- "ResourceId": 29,
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- "ResourceId": 30,
- "ResourceType": "Backup",
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Create a new operation
Available for the Finance role
id required | integer <int32> ID of the project for which a new operation is to be created |
TypeOperation required | string Enum: "DengiOnlinePlus" "BonusPlus" "BonusMinus" Operations type: DengiOnline Plus – crediting of funds to a project, BonusPlus – crediting of bonuses, BonusMinus – charging off bonuses |
Amount required | number <double> Operation sum. Positive. Validates two characters after the dot |
{- "TypeOperation": "DengiOnlinePlus",
- "Amount": 1234
{ }
Returns balance operations groupped by project and period. Time is given in the partner's time zone
Available for the Finance role
dateFrom required | string <date-time> Date in the partner's time zone since which to search operations. Parameter name is case-sensitive |
dateTo required | string <date-time> Date in the partner's time zone until which to search operations. Parameter name is case-sensitive |
{- "Result": [
- {
- "ProjectId": 401,
- "InternalProject": true,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-10-31T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-12-01T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
- {
- "TypeOperation": "SslRefundPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-02T15:55:24.3126932Z",
- "Amount": 0,
- "ExternalId": "264"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-03T15:05:45.0208636Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": "903749409"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-03T15:05:57.7429523Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": "903749653"
], - "FeatureOperations": [
- {
- "Feature": "Ssl",
- "Sum": 0,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 264,
- "ResourceType": "Ssl",
- "Sum": 0
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 265,
- "ResourceType": "Ssl",
- "Sum": 0
}, - {
- "Feature": "IaaS",
- "Sum": 2.93,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 2158,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 2.93
}, - {
- "ProjectId": 761,
- "InternalProject": false,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-10-31T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-12-01T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
- {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayUnknown",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T13:33:43.8237468Z",
- "Amount": 5,
- "ExternalId": null
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayUnknown",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T13:44:05.1515095Z",
- "Amount": 12,
- "ExternalId": null
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-18T13:41:36.2854725Z",
- "Amount": 120,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-22T08:26:03.9319302Z",
- "Amount": 300,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-22T11:42:41.326721Z",
- "Amount": 105,
- "ExternalId": "116913690-39f499c900"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-24T07:58:36.7150878Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JzGN8LOCIRkWTpz1AqO2elU"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-24T07:58:36.7150878Z",
- "Amount": 200,
- "ExternalId": "2957"
], - "FeatureOperations": [
- {
- "Feature": "CloudDirector",
- "Sum": 593.01,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 7,
- "ResourceType": "CloudDirectorVdcPaidService",
- "Sum": 593.01
}, - {
- "ProjectId": 1288,
- "InternalProject": false,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-10-31T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-12-01T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
- {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T14:43:32.1304783Z",
- "Amount": 13,
- "ExternalId": "117663411-4837e0f503"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T14:49:19.3843346Z",
- "Amount": 26,
- "ExternalId": "117664381-412053ee24"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T14:50:49.5794242Z",
- "Amount": 39,
- "ExternalId": "117664767-4903403833"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T15:13:35.6815775Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": "934246873"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T15:14:54.9581522Z",
- "Amount": 22,
- "ExternalId": "934249158"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T15:16:34.5279298Z",
- "Amount": 23,
- "ExternalId": "934252039"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T15:18:01.4931956Z",
- "Amount": 65,
- "ExternalId": "117670131-754ee671ff"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T15:19:11.6274508Z",
- "Amount": 24,
- "ExternalId": "934256243"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T15:20:40.3922416Z",
- "Amount": 25,
- "ExternalId": "934258273"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T15:51:12.7021781Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": "934303214"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T16:24:01.4470523Z",
- "Amount": 34,
- "ExternalId": "934351125"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T16:28:01.5374203Z",
- "Amount": 22,
- "ExternalId": "934357271"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T16:29:04.7265709Z",
- "Amount": 22,
- "ExternalId": "117684511-d56569b471"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T16:29:33.4706015Z",
- "Amount": 21,
- "ExternalId": "934359317"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-26T16:35:45.3228156Z",
- "Amount": 123,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3K07OiLOCIRkWTpz0vJwdCY5"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T09:27:31.3342345Z",
- "Amount": 123,
- "ExternalId": "938004828"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T09:35:31.9084373Z",
- "Amount": 29,
- "ExternalId": "938013278"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayBePaidPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T09:41:05.0157285Z",
- "Amount": 65,
- "ExternalId": "118081446-2c57b850d0"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T10:09:18.9304903Z",
- "Amount": 5000,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-19T12:26:38.6165615Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayFreeTonPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-15T07:56:18.8800084Z",
- "Amount": 2.4054898349,
- "ExternalId": "6f428044884618b724f4fb6f799977cb65d7e260e62d5b11b0f8f2ae03fc1b4c"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-22T07:57:18.2114897Z",
- "Amount": 2000,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:44:16.406726Z",
- "Amount": 9,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jtpw7LOCIRkWTpz0y95wvdG"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:46:31.4664074Z",
- "Amount": 8,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:47:08.5324229Z",
- "Amount": 121,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JttjCLOCIRkWTpz0kydwyFt"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:57:24.3096722Z",
- "Amount": 121,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:58:27.4875448Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jttu8LOCIRkWTpz0tmFJ6g4"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-11T15:30:48.0324461Z",
- "Amount": 245,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
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- "Amount": 99,
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- "Amount": 1,
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayUnknown",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T15:53:12.2527656Z",
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T15:55:22.0428761Z",
- "Amount": 90.9,
- "ExternalId": null
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T16:41:13.817101Z",
- "Amount": 123,
- "ExternalId": "910213966"
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T16:41:31.8926693Z",
- "Amount": 142,
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}, - {
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T16:42:40.3505335Z",
- "Amount": 126,
- "ExternalId": "910215071"
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T08:55:54.907432Z",
- "Amount": 3,
- "ExternalId": null
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayUnknown",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T08:57:35.343797Z",
- "Amount": 9,
- "ExternalId": null
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayUnknown",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T08:58:17.3395057Z",
- "Amount": 1,
- "ExternalId": null
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayUnknown",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T09:09:46.3110048Z",
- "Amount": 0.11,
- "ExternalId": null
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T11:14:14.1089159Z",
- "Amount": 100,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JtVnVLOCIRkWTpz0NEpm9J7"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T11:15:07.2547534Z",
- "Amount": 100,
- "ExternalId": "909866236"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T11:16:19.3481599Z",
- "Amount": 20,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JtVpbLOCIRkWTpz0yWRFBJG"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-08T11:17:44.6786552Z",
- "Amount": 31,
- "ExternalId": "909869001"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T07:49:30.3790472Z",
- "Amount": 11.5,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jtp4yLOCIRkWTpz0EXvSzVu"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T07:52:20.0507397Z",
- "Amount": 12,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jtp7rLOCIRkWTpz0YvqkfD5"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T07:53:28.6908854Z",
- "Amount": 13,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jtp8hLOCIRkWTpz0jT8CtWP"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:01:27.1499946Z",
- "Amount": 3.01,
- "ExternalId": "910874402"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:04:02.2978092Z",
- "Amount": 11.6,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JtpIuLOCIRkWTpz1EWTV2dk"
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:13:53.21736Z",
- "Amount": 11.2,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JtpShLOCIRkWTpz13g00MYf"
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:20:01.276115Z",
- "Amount": 12,
- "ExternalId": "910889877"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:24:54.1717499Z",
- "Amount": 9.13,
- "ExternalId": "910893479"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:26:13.7734032Z",
- "Amount": 11.98,
- "ExternalId": "910894689"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-12T15:20:39.3298714Z",
- "Amount": 70,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T13:27:48.7325028Z",
- "Amount": 12.88,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JttPaLOCIRkWTpz1rJEAAKv"
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayPayPalPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-11T14:04:49.7276096Z",
- "Amount": 91,
- "ExternalId": "5AA4660388091971R"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-11T14:07:16.3385073Z",
- "Amount": 92,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Judt1LOCIRkWTpz19g5oeYE"
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-11T14:07:55.2955138Z",
- "Amount": 1,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JudwFLOCIRkWTpz0eRZVSfT"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-11T14:21:41.1121908Z",
- "Amount": 95,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jue9gLOCIRkWTpz1HIBKTIF"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:50:57.6323079Z",
- "Amount": 12.88,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JtsqZLOCIRkWTpz1ctUs6Vn"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:53:06.4963821Z",
- "Amount": 3000,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:37:46.6821787Z",
- "Amount": 12.88,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jtta7LOCIRkWTpz0npGesvt"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-11T09:21:14.6852146Z",
- "Amount": 13,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JuZShLOCIRkWTpz1e7VAhiT"
}, - {
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-11T09:24:11.3126547Z",
- "Amount": 16,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JuZVfLOCIRkWTpz0xVAmPoc"
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- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-22T08:23:08.0356798Z",
- "Amount": 2000,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T11:01:44.7134541Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "Amount": 3,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JtpShLOCIRkWTpz0TJBa0U3"
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- "Amount": 14,
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:17:04.388649Z",
- "Amount": 10,
- "ExternalId": null
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayUnknown",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:17:23.1917648Z",
- "Amount": 4,
- "ExternalId": null
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- "Amount": 2,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JtpKFLOCIRkWTpz0dSnROhI"
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- "Amount": 1,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jtp0YLOCIRkWTpz1Yl1mJVJ"
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T14:09:53.1974329Z",
- "Amount": 119,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3K1AY9LOCIRkWTpz0w7hAWqA"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T15:51:46.9373581Z",
- "Amount": 29899,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T16:01:44.8028538Z",
- "Amount": 1000,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "TypeOperation": "BonusPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-29T16:12:23.098069Z",
- "Amount": 10000,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "BillingOperations": [
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- "ResourceId": null,
- "ResourceType": null,
- "Sum": 128.28
}, - {
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- "Sum": 128.28,
- "BillingOperations": [
- {
- "ResourceId": 103,
- "ResourceType": "Cluster",
- "Sum": 7.84
}, - {
- "ResourceId": 105,
- "ResourceType": "Cluster",
- "Sum": 120.44
}, - {
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- "Sum": 5.06,
- "BillingOperations": [
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- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 1.63
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- "Sum": 0.9
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- "ResourceId": 6281,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 2.53
}, - {
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- "Sum": 510,
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- {
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- "Sum": 170
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- "ResourceType": "Ssl",
- "Sum": 170
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- "ResourceType": "Ssl",
- "Sum": 170
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- "Sum": 30.42,
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- {
- "ResourceId": 2218,
- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 3.01
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- "Sum": 9.06
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- "ResourceType": "Server",
- "Sum": 16.78
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- "Sum": 1.57
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- "DateToUtc": "2021-12-01T21:00:00Z",
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- "ExternalId": "pi_3JuZCFLOCIRkWTpz0KazI5Zb"
], - "FeatureOperations": null
Returns balance operations groupped by project and period
Available for the Finance role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which need to get operations |
dateFrom required | string <date-time> Date in the partner's time zone since which to search operations. Parameter name is case-sensitive |
dateToUtc required | string <date-time> Date in the partner's time zone until which to search operations. Parameter name is case-sensitive |
{- "Result": {
- "ProjectId": 1288,
- "InternalProject": false,
- "DateFromUtc": "2021-10-31T21:00:00Z",
- "DateToUtc": "2021-12-01T21:00:00Z",
- "PaymentOperations": [
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T08:44:16.406726Z",
- "Amount": 9,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jtpw7LOCIRkWTpz0y95wvdG"
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- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:46:31.4664074Z",
- "Amount": 8,
- "ExternalId": ""
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayStripePlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:47:08.5324229Z",
- "Amount": 121,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3JttjCLOCIRkWTpz0kydwyFt"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:57:24.3096722Z",
- "Amount": 121,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T12:58:27.4875448Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": "pi_3Jttu8LOCIRkWTpz0tmFJ6g4"
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- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T13:43:30.993944Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T13:46:22.5571061Z",
- "Amount": 11.4,
- "ExternalId": "911214608"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T14:21:59.0261866Z",
- "Amount": 11,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T14:22:35.8421868Z",
- "Amount": 11.4,
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- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T14:39:30.7276096Z",
- "Amount": 12,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T14:42:12.5554996Z",
- "Amount": 2.1,
- "ExternalId": "911273452"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayCloudPaymentsPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T14:48:32.8883746Z",
- "Amount": 2.2,
- "ExternalId": "911279646"
}, - {
- "TypeOperation": "BonusMinus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T15:12:20.1954021Z",
- "Amount": 4,
- "ExternalId": ""
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- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T15:31:18.9771037Z",
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayFreeTonPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T15:31:19.1490016Z",
- "Amount": 0.0037280414,
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayFreeTonPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T15:41:19.335747Z",
- "Amount": 0.0149133749,
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayFreeTonPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T15:46:18.078934Z",
- "Amount": 2.6126796633,
- "ExternalId": "79c5d696e80e5f50d09916e88875737250a4657dd2b059c114017f61950a98dc"
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayFreeTonPlus",
- "DateUtc": "2021-11-09T15:46:18.2664466Z",
- "Amount": 2.9859196152,
- "ExternalId": "02a3daa68d755cf8fe12020a76ab7e91f68bb660d7514de6c0aeb4ff2d4ae28e"
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- "TypeOperation": "PaymentGatewayFreeTonPlus",
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Returns all available vStack server configurations with prices
Available for the User role
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- "RamMb": 1024,
- "VolumeMb": 25600,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "VolumeMb": 61440,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "VolumeMb": 163840,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "VolumeMb": 327680,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 32768,
- "VolumeMb": 655360,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 16,
- "RamMb": 65536,
- "VolumeMb": 1024000,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
], - "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 1024,
- "PricePerMonth": 0.95
}, - {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 3.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 5.06
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 7.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 1024,
- "PricePerMonth": 11.04
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 10.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 22.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 46.23
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 46.45
], - "Templates": [
- {
- "Id": 28,
- "OsFamily": "Oracle",
- "OsVersion": "9.1",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 29,
- "OsFamily": "Ubuntu",
- "OsVersion": "22.04",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 34,
- "OsFamily": "Debian",
- "OsVersion": "12",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 33,
- "OsFamily": "AlmaLinux",
- "OsVersion": "9.1",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 38,
- "OsFamily": "FreeBSD",
- "OsVersion": "14.0",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 37,
- "OsFamily": "Windows",
- "OsVersion": "Server 2022",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": false,
- "MandatoryLicenses": null
}, - {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "Price": 4.6
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "Price": 9.2
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "Price": 13.8
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "Price": 18.4
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "Price": 27.6
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "Price": 36.8
], - "Licenses": [
- {
- "Software": "WidowsRemoteDesktop",
- "MinCount": 3,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 10
}, - {
- "Software": "SQLServerStandardEdition2LicCoreLic",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 230
}, - {
- "Software": "OfficeStdALNGLicSAPkMVLSAL",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 20
}, - {
- "Software": "OfficeProPlusALNGLicSAPkMVLSAL",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 27
}, - {
- "Software": "SQLServerEnterpriseEdition2LicCoreLic",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 801
], - "Prices": {
- "PriceVolumePerGb": 0.1,
- "PriceSnapshotPerGb": 0.1,
- "PriceBandwidthPerMbps": 0.1,
- "PriceIpAddress": 1.5
}, - {
- "Id": 2,
- "TechTitle": "nj3",
- "AllowCreating": true,
- "AdditionalVolumeMinGb": 10,
- "VolumeMaxGb": 1000,
- "BandwidthMinMbps": 50,
- "BandwidthMaxMbps": 500,
- "BasicConfigurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 1024,
- "VolumeMb": 25600,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "VolumeMb": 61440,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "VolumeMb": 163840,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "VolumeMb": 327680,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 32768,
- "VolumeMb": 655360,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
}, - {
- "Cpu": 16,
- "RamMb": 65536,
- "VolumeMb": 1024000,
- "BandwidthMbps": 50
], - "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 1024,
- "PricePerMonth": 0.95
}, - {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 3.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 5.06
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 7.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 1024,
- "PricePerMonth": 11.04
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 10.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 22.45
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 46.23
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 46.45
], - "Templates": [
- {
- "Id": 39,
- "OsFamily": "Windows",
- "OsVersion": "Server 2022",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": false,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "Price": 4.6
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "Price": 9.2
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "Price": 13.8
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "Price": 18.4
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "Price": 27.6
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "Price": 36.8
}, - {
- "Id": 30,
- "OsFamily": "Oracle",
- "OsVersion": "9.1",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 31,
- "OsFamily": "Ubuntu",
- "OsVersion": "22.04",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 40,
- "OsFamily": "FreeBSD",
- "OsVersion": "14.0",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 35,
- "OsFamily": "AlmaLinux",
- "OsVersion": "9.1",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 36,
- "OsFamily": "Debian",
- "OsVersion": "12",
- "OsArchitecture": "X64",
- "SystemVolumeMinGb": 25,
- "SupportSshKeys": true,
- "MandatoryLicenses": [ ]
], - "Licenses": [
- {
- "Software": "WidowsRemoteDesktop",
- "MinCount": 3,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 10
}, - {
- "Software": "SQLServerStandardEdition2LicCoreLic",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 230
}, - {
- "Software": "OfficeStdALNGLicSAPkMVLSAL",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 20
}, - {
- "Software": "OfficeProPlusALNGLicSAPkMVLSAL",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 27
}, - {
- "Software": "SQLServerEnterpriseEdition2LicCoreLic",
- "MinCount": 1,
- "MaxCount": 255,
- "Price": 801
], - "Prices": {
- "PriceVolumePerGb": 0.1,
- "PriceSnapshotPerGb": 0.1,
- "PriceBandwidthPerMbps": 0.1,
- "PriceIpAddress": 1.5
Create a vStack server
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which a new vStack server is to be created |
location_id required | integer <int32> Location ID where a new vStack server is to be created |
Name required | string Name of the ordered server |
Cpu required | integer <int32> Cores number |
RamMb required | integer <int32> RAM amount, MB |
TemplateId required | string Template ID |
required | Array of objects List of volumes |
BandwidthMbps required | integer <int32> Interface bandwidth in Mbps, the bandwidth value must be a multiple of 10 Mbps |
{- "Name": "Example",
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "TemplateId": "1",
- "Volumes": [
- {
- "Name": "boot",
- "SizeMb": 25600
}, - {
- "Name": "additional",
- "SizeMb": 30720
], - "BandwidthMbps": 50
{- "Result": {
- "Order": {
- "Id": 5508,
- "Name": "string",
- "State": "New"
{- "Result": {
- "Basic": {
- "ActivationPricePerServer": 50,
- "MonthlyPricePerServer": 100
}, - "Advanced": {
- "ActivationPricePerServer": 3.51,
- "MonthlyPricePerServer": 200,
- "MinimumSubscriptionPeriodInDays": 100
}, - "AdvancedSecurity": {
- "ActivationPricePerServer": 7.85,
- "MonthlyPricePerServer": 250
{- "Result": {
- "Tariff": {
- "TariffId": 1,
- "OneGBStoragePricePerMonthScale": {
- "1000": 1.68,
- "10000": 1.56,
- "100000": 1.44,
- "9223372036854776000": 1.2
}, - "OneGBOutgoingTrafficPriceForLast30DaysScale": {
- "10000": 1.2,
- "100000": 1.08,
- "1000000": 0.96,
- "9223372036854776000": 0.84
Returns a complete list of SSL products available for sale
Available for the User role
{- "Result": {
- "Products": [
- {
- "Id": 37,
- "Vendor": "comodo",
- "Name": "Sectigo EV SSL",
- "Description": "Extended Validation Certificate. Advanced protection: 256-bit encryption and SHA2 algorithm. As a web resource reliability confirmation, it changes the address bar to a green color.",
- "ShortDescription": "Sectigo EV SSL with advanced protection",
- "TrustLevel": 0,
- "IsWildCard": false,
- "IsOrganizationValidation": true,
- "IsEv": true,
- "IsUnlimitedServers": true,
- "IsSan": false,
- "SanIncluded": null,
- "SanMaximum": null,
- "SanCanBeWildcard": false,
- "DeliveryTimeMinutes": 0,
- "InsuranceAmount": 0,
- "Prices": [
- {
- "Price": {
- "Amount": 242,
- "Currency": "EUR"
}, - "Period": 12
], - "SanPrices": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 50,
- "Vendor": "comodo",
- "Name": "Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard",
- "Description": "Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard is a very accessible product for a low-cost price. High 256-bit protection with SHA2 hash algorithm makes it competitive with major market players. It has great 99.3% browser compatibility with excellent mobile device support. Choose that SSL when need immediate protection right here right now.",
- "ShortDescription": null,
- "TrustLevel": 0,
- "IsWildCard": true,
- "IsOrganizationValidation": false,
- "IsEv": false,
- "IsUnlimitedServers": true,
- "IsSan": false,
- "SanIncluded": null,
- "SanMaximum": null,
- "SanCanBeWildcard": false,
- "DeliveryTimeMinutes": 0,
- "InsuranceAmount": 0,
- "Prices": [
- {
- "Price": {
- "Amount": 170,
- "Currency": "EUR"
}, - "Period": 12
], - "SanPrices": [ ]
}, - {
- "Id": 54,
- "Vendor": "comodo",
- "Name": "Sectigo SSL UCC OV",
- "Description": "It has similar functions as the UCC DV certificate, except for issuance rules. This certificate is designed for legal entities, to it, you must confirm both the site and the organization. The certificate is valid for several domains, and 256-bit encryption is used to maintain the security level.",
- "ShortDescription": null,
- "TrustLevel": 0,
- "IsWildCard": false,
- "IsOrganizationValidation": true,
- "IsEv": false,
- "IsUnlimitedServers": true,
- "IsSan": true,
- "SanIncluded": 2,
- "SanMaximum": 248,
- "SanCanBeWildcard": false,
- "DeliveryTimeMinutes": 0,
- "InsuranceAmount": 0,
- "Prices": [
- {
- "Price": {
- "Amount": 220,
- "Currency": "EUR"
}, - "Period": 12
], - "SanPrices": [
- {
- "Price": {
- "Amount": 53,
- "Currency": "EUR"
}, - "Period": 12,
- "IsWildCard": false
Returns details of SSL product available for sale by its ID
Available for the User role
product_id required | integer <int32> SSL product ID |
{- "Result": {
- "Product": {
- "Id": 54,
- "Vendor": "comodo",
- "Name": "Sectigo SSL UCC OV",
- "Description": "It has similar functions as the UCC DV certificate, except for issuance rules. This certificate is designed for legal entities, to it, you must confirm both the site and the organization. The certificate is valid for several domains, and 256-bit encryption is used to maintain the security level.",
- "ShortDescription": null,
- "TrustLevel": 0,
- "IsWildCard": false,
- "IsOrganizationValidation": true,
- "IsEv": false,
- "IsUnlimitedServers": true,
- "IsSan": true,
- "SanIncluded": 2,
- "SanMaximum": 248,
- "SanCanBeWildcard": false,
- "DeliveryTimeMinutes": 0,
- "InsuranceAmount": 0,
- "Prices": [
- {
- "Price": {
- "Amount": 220,
- "Currency": "EUR"
}, - "Period": 12
], - "SanPrices": [
- {
- "Price": {
- "Amount": 53,
- "Currency": "EUR"
}, - "Period": 12,
- "IsWildCard": false
{- "Result": {
- "Locations": [
- {
- "Id": 12,
- "TechTitle": "am2",
- "MaxNodesPerCluster": 25,
- "TotalRamMb": 2147483647,
- "AllowCreating": true,
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 9.22
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 14.98
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 18.66
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 24.47
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 43.66
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 32768,
- "PricePerMonth": 101.49
], - "Price": {
- "ControlPlanePricePerItem": 19
}, - {
- "Id": 13,
- "TechTitle": "nj3",
- "MaxNodesPerCluster": 25,
- "TotalRamMb": 2147483647,
- "AllowCreating": true,
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 11.11
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 12.55
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 16.69
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 22.03
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 35.5
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 69.89
], - "Price": {
- "ControlPlanePricePerItem": 19
}, - {
- "Id": 31,
- "TechTitle": "kz",
- "MaxNodesPerCluster": 25,
- "TotalRamMb": 2147483647,
- "AllowCreating": true,
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 9.22
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 14.98
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 18.66
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 24.47
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 43.66
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 32768,
- "PricePerMonth": 101.49
], - "Price": {
- "ControlPlanePricePerItem": 19
}, - {
- "Id": 70,
- "TechTitle": "ca",
- "MaxNodesPerCluster": 25,
- "TotalRamMb": 2147483647,
- "AllowCreating": true,
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 11.11
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 12.55
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 16.69
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 22.03
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 35.5
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 69.89
], - "Price": {
- "ControlPlanePricePerItem": 19
}, - {
- "Id": 102,
- "TechTitle": "tr",
- "MaxNodesPerCluster": 25,
- "TotalRamMb": 2147483647,
- "AllowCreating": true,
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 204948,
- "PricePerMonth": 9.22
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 14.98
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 18.66
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 24.47
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 43.66
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 32768,
- "PricePerMonth": 101
], - "Price": {
- "ControlPlanePricePerItem": 19
}, - {
- "Id": 139,
- "TechTitle": "br",
- "MaxNodesPerCluster": 25,
- "TotalRamMb": 2147483647,
- "AllowCreating": true,
- "Configurations": [
- {
- "Cpu": 1,
- "RamMb": 3072,
- "PricePerMonth": 11.11
}, - {
- "Cpu": 2,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 12.55
}, - {
- "Cpu": 3,
- "RamMb": 2048,
- "PricePerMonth": 16.69
}, - {
- "Cpu": 4,
- "RamMb": 4096,
- "PricePerMonth": 22.03
}, - {
- "Cpu": 6,
- "RamMb": 8192,
- "PricePerMonth": 35.5
}, - {
- "Cpu": 8,
- "RamMb": 16384,
- "PricePerMonth": 69.89
], - "Price": {
- "ControlPlanePricePerItem": 19
], - "Versions": [
- "1.26.5",
- "1.24.6",
- "1.25.6"
Create a Kubernetes cluster
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Project ID for which a new Kubernetes cluster is to be created |
Name required | string Name of the ordered cluster |
Version required | string Version of Kubernetes for the ordered cluster |
LocationId required | integer <int32> ID of location where cluster will be created |
IsHighAvailability required | boolean Is the cluster High Availability |
required | Array of objects List of nodes groups |
{- "Name": "fish",
- "Version": "1.26.5",
- "LocationId": 1,
- "IsHighAvailability": false,
- "NodesGroups": [
- {
- "Name": "herring",
- "CpuPerNode": 4,
- "RamMbPerNode": 2048,
- "NumberOfNodes": 8,
- "HasIngressController": false
}, - {
- "Name": "salmon",
- "CpuPerNode": 3,
- "RamMbPerNode": 4096,
- "NumberOfNodes": 5,
- "HasIngressController": true
{- "Result": {
- "Order": {
- "Id": 1165,
- "Name": "fish",
- "State": "New"
Returns specified number of reviews in random order
Available for the User role
count required | integer <int32> Number of reviews to be returned |
{- "Result": {
- "Feedbacks": [
- {
- "FirstName": "John",
- "LastName": "Lindsey",
- "Description": "vStack SPP has provided me Remote Desktop Services at a much cheaper price as compared to other providers in the market like AWS, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure. Customer support is also helpful at most of the occasions.",
- "Company": "Onestop eSolutions",
- "Position": "CEO",
- "Teaser": "Best Cloud Provider"
}, - {
- "FirstName": "Tracy",
- "LastName": "Barrett",
- "Description": "I use vStack SPP because provides very stable and fast servers. Also, your site provides many features to the user, and I can build a new server or delete the previous server whenever I want. Fully automatic, as well as full support. Thanks for the importance you give to the user.",
- "Company": "Freelancer",
- "Position": "Freelancer",
- "Teaser": null
}, - {
- "FirstName": "Nathan",
- "LastName": "Crawford",
- "Description": "I am Brazilian, and after testing several and several sites, both Brazilian and foreign, I arrived at the vStack SPP and stayed, in the others it was not 1-2 months, bad service, instabilities and disproportionate price to what was offered, when trying the vStack, I fell in love, because it meets my needs without any problems and with practicality my needs.",
- "Company": "Empresa Pi",
- "Position": "Director",
- "Teaser": "Disproportionate price"
Returns information about vCloud Organization
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> vCloud Organization ID for which need to get information |
{- "Result": {
- "Org": {
- "Id": 11,
- "ProjectId": 2490,
- "Location": "ds1",
- "VcloudName": "k8s-lab",
- "VcloudId": "urn:vcloud:org:cfff0ddb-d3bc-4000-80f9-0caa9f284a31",
- "State": "Active",
- "CreatedAt": 1663679882
Create a new vCloud Organization
Available for the User role
ProjectId required | integer <int32> Project ID to add VOrg |
Location required | string Enum: "ds1" "am2" "kz" "by" Location of instance |
VcloudOrgName required | string Name of VOrg in infrastructure |
AdminUsername required | string Login to access Cloud Director |
AdminPassword required | string Password to access Cloud Director |
{- "ProjectId": 1288,
- "Location": "ds1",
- "VcloudOrgName": "k8s-lab",
- "AdminUsername": "admin",
- "AdminPassword": "admin"
{- "Result": {
- "Org": {
- "Id": 19,
- "ProjectId": 1288,
- "Location": "ds1",
- "VcloudName": "k8s-lab",
- "VcloudId": "urn:vcloud:org:fe17aae6-6093-4c18-a641-f6c4e80fcbbb",
- "State": "Active",
- "CreatedAt": 1675413526
Returns information about VDC
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> VDC ID for which need to get information |
{- "Result": {
- "Vdc": {
- "Id": 26,
- "OrgId": 17,
- "VcloudName": "divanov vDC",
- "VcloudId": "urn:vcloud:vdc:74ca42b0-eef4-4eef-b2bf-30ad493712b9",
- "State": "Active",
- "Type": "Public",
- "CreatedAt": 1670573799,
- "IsVeemConnected": true
Create a new VDC
Available for the User role
OrgId required | integer <int32> VOrg ID inPanel to add VDC |
VcloudVdcName required | string Name of VDC in infrastructure |
Type | string Enum: "Public" "Private" Type of VDC, if the field is not specified the default value is set to "Public" |
IsVeeamConnected | boolean Defines connection of Veeam backups to VDC, if this field is not specified the default value is set to "false" |
{- "OrgId": 88,
- "VcloudVdcName": "roman.ivanov.test-vDC",
- "Type": "Public",
- "IsVeeamConnected": false
{- "Result": {
- "Vdc": {
- "Id": 28,
- "OrgId": 19,
- "VcloudName": "roman.ivanov.test-vDC",
- "VcloudId": "urn:vcloud:vdc:3802b3aa-0430-457a-85fc-6c540c3694c9",
- "State": "Active",
- "Type": "Public",
- "CreatedAt": 1675414058,
- "IsVeemConnected": false
Returns a list of all user tickets. The required dates of the period can be set, one of the dates or none of them. Dates in the filter need to be specified in the partner's time zone in the format yyyyy-MM-dd or yyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
Available for the User role
createdFrom | string <date-time> Date since which to search tickets (including the date) |
createdTo | string <date-time> Date until which to search tickets (including the date) |
{- "Result": {
- "Tiskets": [
- {
- "Id": 976,
- "ProjectId": 1307,
- "SupportLevel": "First",
- "State": "New",
- "CreatedAt": "2023-04-04T12:20:05.5607314"
}, - {
- "Id": 975,
- "ProjectId": 1288,
- "SupportLevel": "Second",
- "State": "Closed",
- "CreatedAt": "2023-04-03T10:34:57.2400768"
Returns user ticket details by the ticket ID
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Ticket ID for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Tisket": [
- {
- "Id": 474,
- "SimpleOneId": 163284284823896420,
- "ProjectId": 1479,
- "SupportLevel": "First",
- "State": "Closed",
- "CreatedAt": "2023-05-03T18:27:32.9796834",
- "CreatedBy": "",
- "StateUpdatedAt": "2023-05-04T10:50:14.8717288",
- "Title": "Licenses information",
- "Text": "What licenses are available for Windows servers?",
- "Attachments": [ ],
- "Comments": [
- {
- "Id": 377,
- "IsSupportComment": true,
- "IsHidden": false,
- "CreatedAt": "2023-05-03T18:35:43.7746929",
- "CreatedBy": "",
- "Text": "Dear User! You can find a list of available licenses in the control panel.",
- "Attachments": [
- {
- "FileName": "panel.jpg",
- "ContentType": "image/jpeg",
Returns a list of all system tickets. The required dates of the period can be set, one of the dates or none of them. Dates in the filter need to be specified in the partner's time zone in the format yyyyy-MM-dd or yyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
Available for the User role
createdFrom | string <date-time> Date since which to search tickets (including the date) |
createdTo | string <date-time> Date until which to search tickets (including the date) |
{- "Result": {
- "Tiskets": [
- {
- "Id": 17,
- "ProjectId": 1288,
- "Type": "SuspiciousActivity",
- "State": "ClientCommentRequired",
- "CreatedAt": "2023-03-30T17:16:34.3426757"
}, - {
- "Id": 16,
- "ProjectId": 475,
- "Type": "Complaint",
- "State": "Closed",
- "CreatedAt": "2023-03-30T12:55:12.6015724"
Returns system ticket details by the ticket ID
Available for the User role
id required | integer <int32> Ticket ID for which details are needed |
{- "Result": {
- "Tisket": [
- {
- "Id": 15,
- "SimpleOneId": 168026200426113600,
- "ProjectId": 1288,
- "State": "ClientCommentRequired",
- "Type": "SuspiciousActivity",
- "CreatedAt": "2023-03-28T14:26:37.9333532",
- "CreatedBy": null,
- "StateUpdatedAt": "2023-03-28T14:26:37.9333532",
- "Title": "Attack: spam",
- "Text": "Hello. Our automated security system detected spam sending from the following resources. Resources will be blocked if spamming is detected again.",
- "Attachments": [
- {
- "FileName": "abuse.txt",
- "ContentType": "text/plain",
], - "Comments": [ ]